

washboard-546998_1920I hate washboard roads.

You get the picture; they have ruts and potholes and make a driver miserable.

That may be a leading factor in road rage, just a matter of opinion…SEPTEMBER 2014 002
In contrast, a freshly paved road is smooth sailing. I can actually drink a favorite beverage without spilling it all over me.

Life with the LORD is a journey.

I do experience bumps in the road along the way; yet, at His discretion He levels the path.

“The way of the righteous is smooth; O Upright One, make the path of the righteous level (Isaiah 26:7 NAS).”


2 thoughts on “WASHBOARD ROADS

  1. You need to have Anne-lise post a pic for your profile image… now, the invisible woman!
    When Norm was driving 18-wheelers washboard roads were terrible when I was trying to pour our coffee, tea and cups of soup!


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